Members of the Chapter

Partecipants (members and staff) of the XIX General Chapter in 2018
Partecipants (members and staff) of the XIX General Chapter in 2018

Members of the XX General Chapter

The chapter participants are made up of four groups:

1. Members of the chapter ex-officio
2. Members of the chapter elected by units
3. Peritus
4. Staff

Only the first two groups are members of the chapter.

According to the Constitutions the general chapter is composed of members ex-officio and elected delegates. The ex-officio members, who are: the superior general and the general consultors; the immediately preceding superior general; the general treasurer; the secretary general and the mission secretary if they are not general consultors; provincial and pro-provincial superiors or their vicars, if the superiors are unable to attend for grave reasons; and the superiors of vicariates with more than twenty members in perpetual vows.

The delegates are elected by the provinces, pro-provinces, and vicariates. In the same way are elected their substitutes that become members if the delegates are impeded from attending for grave reasons.

Delegates must be perpetually professed.

The number of elected delegates is always more than the number of ex-officio members.

The XX General Chapter will have 46 members: 19 ex-officio and 27 delegates.

The ex-officio members are:

  • Members of the Generalate (6)
  • General Treasurer
  • General Mission Secretary
  • Provincial Superior of the Austrian Pro-Province 
  • Provincial Superior of the Belgian Pro-Province 
  • Provincial Superior of the British Pro-Province 
  • Provincial Superior of the Brazilian Province 
  • Provincial Superior of the Congo Mission Pro-Province 
  • Provincial Superior of the Colombian Province 
  • Provincial Superior of the German Province 
  • Vicariate Superior of the Indian Mission Vicariate
  • Provincial Superior of the Polish Province 
  • Provincial Superior of the Tanzania Mission Pro-Province
  • Provincial Superior of the USA Province 

The number of delegates by unit:

  • Austrian Pro-Province: 
1  delegate
  • Belgian Pro-Province: 
1  delegate
  • British Pro-Province: 
1  delegate
  • Brazilian Province: 
2  delegate
  • Congo Mission Pro-Province: 
3  delegates
  • Colombian Province: 
1  delegate
  • German Province: 
1  delegate
  • East Asian Mission Vicariate: 
1  delegate
  • Indian Mission Vicariate:
2  delegate
  • Polish Province: 
7  delegates
  • Pancratius Pfeiffer Mission Vicariate: 
1  delegate
  • Tanzania Mission Pro-Province:
3  delegates
  • USA Province: 
2  delegate
  • Venezuela Vicariate: 
1  delegate

The list of the delegates is expected to be completed in April.

Bl. Francis Jordan


Founder's Thoughts

Pray at all times in the deepest humility and with the greatest confidence. Let nothing keep you from it.

Great Salvatorians




Curia Generalizia

Via della Conciliazione, 51
I - 00193 ROMA, ITALIA
+39 06 686 291

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