
Bibliography of Salvatorian Charism and Spirituality

The “Bibliography of Salvatorian Charism and Spirituality” is the result of long and arduous work and dedication over many years. It has been compiled by different Salvatorian entities and individuals and now it is a great joy for us to publish this Bibliography, making it accessible for everybody. We give special thanks to Mr. Johan Moris, who has maintained this Bibliography for more than ten years and has graciously agreed to continue to do so. It is updated to 2018.

The title itself makes clear what this Bibliography is about and what it contains. It is not a general Salvatorian Bibliography. Instead, it has certain boundaries and limits; it is neither a list of articles and works about Salvatorians, nor an exhaustive list of all articles and works written by a Salvatorian about any topic. Rather, all the references concern writings by Salvatorians and non-Salvatorians about the Charism and Spirituality of the Salvatorian Family.

We hope that this Bibliography will serve as a key that unlocks doors to different rooms of the Salvatorian house, giving access to the Salvatorian spiritual world, where women and men, lay and religious, try to live their lives based on God and his Son, Jesus the Saviour.

Rome, 21 July 2019

Anniversary of Fr. Francis Jordan’s Ordination to the Priesthood in 1878.

For the International Joint Charism Commission 2018
Mr. Christian Patzl ICDS
Sr. Teresa Schlackl SDS
Fr. Agustín Van Baelen SDS

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pdf Bibliography of Salvatorian Charism and Spirituality updatated 16.03.2021 2577 Download

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Bl. Francis Jordan


Founder's Thoughts

As long as the Queen of heaven and earth is not everywhere praised, you dare not allow yourself a moment’s rest.

Great Salvatorians




Curia Generalizia

Via della Conciliazione, 51
I - 00193 ROMA, ITALIA
+39 06 686 291

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