
I think we are living in a time of grace, of blessing in the Church


Fr. Milton Zonta SDS about the Sinod on the Sinodality

I think we are living in a time of grace and blessing in the Church. The Synod that is taking place in the world, in all the communities and in the whole Church, this synodal journey is truly a blessing for the Church. It is a time of the Spirit. For I believe that the Synod is truly recovering a central element of the Second Vatican Council: ecclesiology, which is walking together as the People of God.
For me, the Synod is a blessing for our time and we need to welcome it with joy and live this process deeply. That's why I think that the contribution of Religious Life is to be on the frontiers. It's being there with the poor and bearing witness to a living Church. What were the words and gestures of Jesus, make them present in these realities in which we are working.
I think that Religious Life must always seek its place on the frontiers, close to the realities of the human and existential peripheries with the different charisms that we have. There we are called to bear witness by being a presence of the Church and the Gospel. 

It really was a time of grace. A time of beauty. The chance to see the variety of charisms that make up Religious Life. The possibility of seeing these charisms working together, without intrigue, without competition, but rather repeating the experience of synodality here. Different languages, different contexts, different experiences of the world. All walking together. Listening to the Spirit. Listening to each other, so that we can walk and learn this new path that the Church is proposing to us. That is, to walk in synodality, to walk together, to work together, to pray together.
Here, for the first time in history, we had an international meeting of the Major Superiors of the women's branch and the men's branch.
We are truly living in this time of grace and blessing, and we need to welcome it with joy and gratitude.

Bl. Francis Jordan


Founder's Thoughts

As long as God is not everywhere glorified, you dare not allow yourself a moment’s rest.

Great Salvatorians




Curia Generalizia

Via della Conciliazione, 51
I - 00193 ROMA, ITALIA
+39 06 686 291

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