
Good news from the Postulation Office

Good news from the Postulation Office

A family in Brazil has been blessed with a grace through the intercession of Fr. Francis Jordan, which can be considered as a possible miracle.

On 24 January 2014 a couple from Jundiaí, Brazil, found out with joy that they would become parents. Due to difficulties during pregnancy, they underwent a number of tests. After medical examinations, doctors told them their daughter would probably suffer a skeletal deformation. At this difficult moment they decided to pray through the intercession of Father Francis Jordan, together with the group of Lay Salvatorians to which they belong, as well as with some Salvatorians and SDS Sisters. The baby girl, Lívia Maria, was born in perfect health on 8 September 2014, feast of the Nativity of Mary and the anniversary of Father Francis Jordan’s death.

Both the physicians who took care of Lívia Maria and her mother, and other doctors who were consulted, are of the opinion that this case can not be explained by medicine. Therefore, it was decided to initiate the canonical procedure towards the official recognition of the presumed miracle through the intercession of the Founder. Fr. Adam Teneta, Postulator General, and Fr. Francisco Sydney de Macedo Gonçalves of the Brazilian Province, who was appointed as vice-postulator for the cause, oversaw the preparatory steps.

After gathering the required documentation an official request was made to the bishop of Jundiaí, and his response was favorable, so on 11 November 2015 the diocesan inquiry on the presumed miracle was officially initiated with the Opening Session at the diocesan curia in Jundiaí. At this session, presided over by Bishop Vicente Costa, the officials of the inquiry including the Episcopal Delegate, the Promotor of Justice, the Notaries and the Medical Expert, as well as the vice-postulator swore their oaths, and the submitted documentation was officially recognized.

The purpose of the diocesan inquiry is to gather, in the official, canonical way, all the evidence - documentary and in the form of witnesses' oral depositions - concerning both the scientific inexplicability of the healing and it being a result of the prayers through the intercession of Fr. Francis Jordan. At the working sessions, which will follow, the witnesses will be heard and their depositions transcribed. Then, after completing the necessary formalities and closing of the diocesan inquiry, copies of all the documentation will be sent to Rome. There the Congregation for the Causes of Saints will study the material. Only if the final opinion of the Congregation and the decision of the Pope are positive, the case will be able to be considered as a miracle through the intercession of Fr. Francis Jordan.

We ask you to accompany this process with your fervent prayers. At the same time, we are all the more encouraged to pray through the intercession of our Founder in all our needs.



Bl. Francis Jordan


Founder's Thoughts

O Lord, help me, show me the way! Without you, I can do nothing. I hope all things from You. In you, O Lord, I have hoped, I will not be confounded for ever.

Great Salvatorians




Curia Generalizia

Via della Conciliazione, 51
I - 00193 ROMA, ITALIA
+39 06 686 291

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