2015 Anno Missionario


Prayer of Father Jordan

Oh Sun of Justice, shine and enlighten my soul
so its footsteps may be like the morning light
that walks and lengthens to perfect day.

O Savior of all people,
let me always burn with a great love for you
so that I inflame all.

Lord Jesus Christ,
take my prayer and all that I have.
Here I am, send me.
Show me the ways to guide all to you.
O Savior of all people, you are our Savior.


Prayer – poem of Mother Mary of the Apostles (“Yearning” 1875)

Quando sento parlare di missioni
si ridesta in me un impulso,
un amore ed ardente desiderio
insolito, ed altrimenti ignoto.

I miei giorni s’abbreviano,
il mio capo incanutisce,
ma questa fiamma nel cuore
non s’affievolisce - aumenta!

Una sola cosa desidero
poter servire un poco ancora,
fare un qualcosa per le missioni,
un qualcosa del tutto particolare.

Chi destò in me,
chi mi donò questo desiderio?
Non proviene esso dal mio Signore
e non mi riconduce forse a Lui?

Voglio donarmi interamente a te,
totalmente, per quel che vuoi tu,
voglio sparire in piena umiltà
quale povero tuo strumento.

E, moribonda, potrò dirti:
vedi, si è compiuto -
quello che c’era in tutta la vita
vedi, si è sviluppato.


Fr. Otto Hopfenmüller's Litany

Lord, have mercy on us.                             Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.                           Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.                             Lord, have mercy on us.

Christ, hear us.                                          Christ, graciously hear us.

Compassionate Father in heaven,                have mercy on us.
Jesus, Saviour of the world,
Holy Spirit, fire of Love,
Holy Trinity, one God,


Mary, Mother of the Saviour,                         pray for us.
Mary, Queen of the Apostles,
St. Joseph,
St. Francis of Assisi,
All Holy Apostles,
All angels and saints,
Blessed Mary of the Apostles,


Fr. Otto, gifted theologian,                                           intercede for us.
Fr. Otto, apostle of the catholic press,
Fr. Otto, defending the freedom of speech,
Fr. Otto, speaking up for justice,
Fr. Otto, giving voice to the voiceless,
Fr. Otto, convicted because of speaking the truth,
Fr. Otto, imprisoned for the faith,

Fr. Otto, defending the poor,
Fr. Otto, helping the street children,
Fr. Otto, fighting against begging,
Fr. Otto, providing jobs for the jobless,
Fr. Otto, collecting food for the hungry,
Fr. Otto, organising charity,
Fr. Otto, striving for social justice,

Fr. Otto, ascetic priest,
Fr. Otto, zealous Salvatorian,
Fr. Otto, forming the new vocations,
Fr. Otto, editing Salvatorian publications,
Fr. Otto, yearning for missionary work,
Fr. Otto, striving for spiritual perfection,
Fr. Otto, following the apostolic fire of the Founder,

Fr. Otto, first Salvatorian missionary,
Fr. Otto, first Superior of the Assam Mission,
Fr. Otto, first missionary to the Khasi,
Fr. Otto, first pastor in Shillong,
Fr. Otto, first mediator of the Salvatorian missions in heaven,
Fr. Otto, pioneer of the Assam Mission,
Fr. Otto, founding father of the Catholic Church in Northeast India,

Fr. Otto, dying for the faith,
Fr. Otto, dying for apostolic zeal,
Fr. Otto, dying for the mission,
Fr. Otto, dying for the Salvatorians,
Fr. Otto, dying for the church in the North-East of India,
Fr. Otto, dying for the Khasi,
Fr. Otto, dying for the spread of the gospel,

Fr. Otto, you died and gave your life as a sacrifice for the young Salvatorian mission in Assam and with the Khasi people. Help us to live our faith in our daily life and to become missionaries of Jesus wherever we live or work.

(Pause in silence to recall personal intentions.)

Let us pray:
God our Father, grant us the fulfilment of our needs through the intercession of Fr. Otto. May we become holy missionaries and zealous apostles in the Salvatorian Society, as he showed us to be by the example of his life and death. Through Christ, our Saviour. Amen.


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