We wish you Peace and Health from St. Pius X Catholic Parish Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, USA. A Salvatorian Parish!

Safe Water for Life and Dignity (SWLD) is a unique development program designed to provide safe water to small rural villages in Tanzania. SWLD collaborates with villagers, who take ownership to build the well and then share the water with all. Each well can serve as many as 500-1000 people. Over the last ten years, more than 50 wells have been built. Safe water improves health and results in new energy to develop a better quality of life that opens up new opportunities.

In August, 2023, a handful of USA Salvatorian pilgrims took part in the dedication for new wells in the villages of Msumbizi, Giovuva, and Bondwa in Tanzania, Africa. The wells were built by SWLD and funded through donations from the Salvatorian parishes of St. Pius X and Mother of Good Counsel in the Greater Milwaukee area and Divine Savior Catholic Church in Orangevale, CA.


Bł. Franciszek Jordan


Myśli Założyciela

Dopóki Królowa Nieba i Ziemi nie jest wszędzie wychwalana nie wolno Ci ani na chwilę spocząć.

Wielcy Salwatorianie


Dom Generalny


Curia Generalizia

Via della Conciliazione, 51
I - 00193 ROMA, ITALIA
+39 06 686 291

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