Brother Domingo Zurbano
Spanish Vicariate
Died: 22 / 02 / 2014 / Logroño (Spain)
He was 91 years old and professed 57 years.
Adam Teneta SDS, Director of the Office of the General Secretariat, Rome, 22 February 2014
Yo soy la resurrección y la vida; El que vive y cree en mí nunca morirá.
JUAN 11:25
Recordemos a nuestro hermano fallecido en gratitud y oración.
Brother Domingo Zurbano
Spanish Vicariate
Died: 22 / 02 / 2014 / Logroño (Spain)
He was 91 years old and professed 57 years.
Adam Teneta SDS, Director of the Office of the General Secretariat, Rome, 22 February 2014
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