Preghiere sulle Costituzioni

Praying in the Spirit of Fr. Francis Jordan


ENG_Praying in the Spirit of Fr. Francis Jordan

21.VII.2020_Based on writings and quotations of Fr.Francis Jordan and following the structure and content of the Constitutions of the Society of the Divine Saviour

ES_Praying in the Spirit of Fr. Francis Jordan

02.II.2022_Basado en escritos y citas del Beato Francisco Jord n, siguiendo la estructura y el contenido de las Constituciones de la Sociedad del Divino Salvador

FR_Praying in the Spirit of Fr. Francis Jordan

02.II.2022_Basé sur des écrits et des citations du Père François Jordan et suivant la structure et le contenu des Constitutions de la Société du Divin Sauveur

Beato Francesco Jordan


Pensieri del Fondatore

Nessun tradimento, nessuna infedeltà, nessun freddo, nessuno scherno diminuisca il tuo fuoco!

Grandi Salvatoriani


La Casa Madre


Curia Generalizia

Via della Conciliazione, 51
I - 00193 ROMA, ITALIA
+39 06 686 291

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