Indian Mission Vicariate: canonical visitation

Indian Mission Vicariate: canonical visitation

The canonical visitation of the Indian Mission Vicariate took place from 1 until 30 August by Fr. Milton Zonta and Fr. Sunil Thomas. Since its re-foundation in 1990, the presence of the Society in India has grown in number and apostolates. There are 57 confreres. There are 12 communities, which comprise 6 formation houses, 4 parishes, and 6 schools.
The visitors had the possibility to share the overall situation of the Society and talk with every individual member and formandi shared their appreciation for the Generalate´s support, and they expressed also some of their strengths and concerns. They also met several bishops, who expressed their gratitude for the support our confreres render to the local church through various apostolates. There was also an opportunity to visit many communities of the Salvatorian sisters, and some other institutions where our formandi study. It is a growing unit, with many vocations and apostolates, of different cultures and languages, which counts on the prayers and support of all Salvatorians worldwide. 

Bł. Franciszek Jordan


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