RIP: 05/06/2022 - Mistelbach
Fr. Hermann Jedinger was born on 24 March 1949 at Grieskirchen. He joined the Society of the Divine Saviour on the feast of the Holy Archangels, 29 September 1973 professing his first vows through the Austrian Province, after having undertaken an enriching experience of universality in the international novitiate in Passau. Once he had finished his academic formation, he was ordained a priest on 3 July 1977 in Graz. Fr. Hermann was apostolically active in the pastoral field of parish work in different places in Austria. He was a beloved pastor who liked to listen carefully and to accompany the people in their joys and sorrows. He had a big heart for young people. At the same time, he had a very clear line of understanding the Gospel and being a religious spiritual son of Blessed Francis Jordan. Fr. Hermann served during two mandates as the Superior of the Austrian Province. During many other terms of offices, he served as a provincial consultor, and he coordinated the local communities he has lived in as the superior. Straight after his retirement as the parish priest of Mistelbach, in fall 2021, Fr. Hermann got the sad news that he a very aggressive cancer was developing in his body. Very consciously he accepted with big faith and confidence in the Divine Saviour, his health situation that led him to the end of his earthly life. Fr. Hermann died in Mistelbach on the Solemnity of Pentecost, on 5 June 2022 in. He was 73 years old and had been a Salvatorian for 48 years.