Requiescant In Pace

I am the Resurrection and the Life; whoever lives and believes in me shall never die.
John 11:25


Let us remember our deceased confrere in gratitude and prayer.

Our Divine Saviour has called into eternal life


RIP: 26/12/2021 - Milwaukee

Fr. Loren Nys was born on 12 March 1938, in Green Bay, Wisconsin. The desire to become a priest was with him all through his youth, and so he enrolled at Salvatorian Seminary in St. Nazianz. He studied there for six years of minor seminary and then entered the novitiate in Colfax, Iowa, where he made his first profession of vows on 8 September 1959. He continued his seminary studies at Divine Saviour Seminary in Lanham, Maryland, and Catholic University in Washington, DC. When the college years were completed, he taught during two “Apostolic Years” at St. Mary’s High School in Lancaster, New York. After finishing his graduate studies back at Divine Saviour and Catholic University, he was ordained a priest in the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in DC on 3 June 1967. Fr. Loren´s apostolic live, so to speak, can be split into two main fields. First, he was active in the field of education, training and teaching at different schools. In that period, he also ministered as director of music and choir director. Generally speaking, Fr. Loren was a talented musician. He was an accomplished organist and singer. After the liturgical changes of the Second Vatican Council, he recorded three vinyl records to help other priests to learn the new chants that were included in the revised Sacramentary. In a second phase, he focused more on parish ministry, working as a pastor in several parishes. Besides the “external” work, Fr. Loren also served “internally” the Salvatorian community in the USA in various ways, e.g. as the Green Bay Area Coordinator for the Society; as the moderator for all members of the Salvatorian Family in the Green Bay Region; and as a member of both the province´s Personnel Commission and Elections Committee. Notwithstanding Fr. Loren dealt with several health problems, he quite unexpectedly died on the morning after Christmas, 26 December 2021 at Alexian Village in Milwaukee, where he had lived since 2014. He was 83 years old and had been for 62 years a Salvatoria

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Bl. Francis Jordan


Founder's Thoughts

Pray at all times in the deepest humility and with the greatest confidence. Let nothing keep you from it.

Great Salvatorians




Curia Generalizia

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I - 00193 ROMA, ITALIA
+39 06 686 291

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