RIP: 21/12/2021 - Steinfeld
Fr. Hubert Garthoff was born on 18 October 1933 at Oelde, district of Warendorf, as one of nine siblings. After attending primary school, he completed an apprenticeship as a carpenter. In his heart, he had a deep wish to become a priest. So, he began his grammar school studies in Steinfeld as a late vocation in January 1954. On 1 May 1959 he began his novitiate in Passau, which he finished exactly one year later professing his first vows. After which he studied philosophy and theology there. On 26 March 1966 he was ordained priest in Hamont, Belgium. His first post was as chaplain in the Salvatorian parish of Cologne-Weidenpesch from 1966 to 68. From 1968 to 1976 he was appointed as Mission Procurator in Sennelager and as educator and Superior of the local community at Klausheide-Hövelhof. From 1976 to 78 he worked as a hospital chaplain in the Heilig Geist Hospital in Cologne. From 1976 he was also Provincial Procurator. This office was held by Fr. Hubert for 25 years. He was a chaplain of several communities of Sisters and out of great love for nature, he liked very much to work in the garden. When the community at Cologne was dissolved, Fr Hubert moved to Steinfeld in 2015 where he settled in very quickly. He worked a lot in the pastoral care of confessions and as a temporary chaplain. When asked, Fr Hubert was always ready to help. He attentively followed the development of our Order. Our missions were a great concern to him. He spent a lot of time in the chapel and could often be found praying the rosary in the house or outside. Fr. Hubert died completely unexpectedly in Steinfeld in the night of 21 December 2021. He was 88 years old and had been a Salvatorian for 61 years.