Requiescant In Pace

I am the Resurrection and the Life; whoever lives and believes in me shall never die.
John 11:25


Let us remember our deceased confrere in gratitude and prayer.

Our Divine Saviour has called into eternal life


RIP: 14/01/2022 - London

Fr. Peter Preston was born on 8 September 1934, grew up in North Harrow Parish and attended the Salvatorian College. Like several youngsters in the College in his era, he felt the desire to become a priest. After discernment, in 1951 Peter went to the Novitiate in Chester. He professed his first vows in the Society of the Divine Saviour through the British Province on 8 September 1952. After having finished his studies of Philosophy and Theology, he was ordained a priest on the Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul, on 29 June 1958. After his ordination, there being a great need for teachers in the Salvatorian College, Fr. Peter was sent to Strawberry Hill Teacher Training College for a short period to take courses in physical education, something that he excelled at. He soon returned to Wealdstone and took up the position of physical and religious education. In the period between 1976 and 1982, Fr. Peter was appointed Vocations Director. He helped a lot with the setup of a common and shared vocation promotion, together with other religious orders, leading school retreats based on the theme of vocation in life led by a group of several vocation directors of different congregations. After six years as Vocations Director, Fr. Peter was assigned in 1982 as parish priest in Thornbury, Gloucestershire, and in 1987, he was transferred to Salvatorian parish in Wealdstone, which is among the larger parishes in the Diocese of Westminster. In 2005, Fr. Peter was elected Provincial Superior and carried out that ministry for six years. Later in life he had a stroke, and his walking was seriously impaired. He had by then more or less retired and was living at Rosary Priory as chaplain to the Dominican Sisters. Father Peter died on 14 January 2022 at Northwick Park Hospital, Harrow London. He was 87 years old of age and had been a Salvatorian for 69 years.

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Bl. Francis Jordan


Founder's Thoughts

But everything through God, with God, and for God. All peoples, races, nations and tongues, glorify the Lord our God.

Great Salvatorians




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I - 00193 ROMA, ITALIA
+39 06 686 291

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