RIP: 28/12/2020 - La Estrella - Antioquia
Fr. Alberto Gómez Marín was born on 5 March 1932 at San Carlos – Antioquia. After elementary school, he went to the Salvatorian minor seminary “Divino Salvador”. He did his noviciate in Monterredondo, which was concluded by the profession of his first vows on the feast of the Presentation of the Lord, 2 February 1951. He studied Philosophy and Theology at the Pontifical Javeriana University in Bogotà and at the Pontifical Gregoriana University in Rome. He was ordained a priest Rome on 8 December 1957. His first pastoral experiences he obtained in the educational and formation field at Monterredondo and Medellín. Later on, he developed pastoral activities in several parishes in Colombia and Ecuador, where vocation promotion and care for the sick always took a special place in his hearth. But not only outside, but also within the community, Fr. Alberto served as a novice master and formator of pre-novices, as well as a provincial consultor under different provincials. The last year of his life, he decided to live in the house for elderly confreres at La Estrella – Antioquia, where he passed away on the Feast of the Holy Innocents, 28 December 2020.