European Lay Salvatorian Gathering

Lay Salvatorians gathered in Vienna from 13-16 June to celebrate the 25th anniversary of their presence and mission in Europe and Austria and to look into the future of their movement in Europe. Among other things, they discussed the opportunities and challenges of a lay person’s vocation, language of evangelization in the world of today, and the use of modern media. Participants from Austria, Belgium, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary and Spain, as well as some SDS Sisters and Fathers from Austria were present. Fr. Thomas Malal, the Generalate’s liaison to the Salvatorian Family, attended as well.

Beato Francesco Jordan


Pensieri del Fondatore

Nessun sacrificio, nessuna croce, nessun soffrire, nessuna desolazione, nessuna tribolazione, nessun attacco, oh! Nulla ti sia troppo difficile con la grazia di Dio. Posso tutto in colui che mi conforta.

Grandi Salvatoriani


La Casa Madre


Curia Generalizia

Via della Conciliazione, 51
I - 00193 ROMA, ITALIA
+39 06 686 291


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