2016 Sinodo Generale

XIV Sinodo Generale - L'ultimo giorno

Today we reached the conclusion of the General Synod a day earlier than expected. The morning was spent on topics related to the Salvatorian Family. This included a report on the Joint Justice, Peace & Integrity of Creation Commission at which we were all invited to be good stewards of our common home, the earth. There followed a panel presentation by representatives of each of the three branches on the lights and shadows of the collaboration among the three branches as well as recommendations. The participants engaged in a lively exchange about the importance of both initiatives of the Salvatorian Family. The morning ended with an evaluation of the Synod during which the participants expressed very positive assessments of the two weeks together. The day ended with a festive closing Mass at the Motherhouse including prayer at the Founder’s Tomb. Everything ended with a delicious supper and joyous recreation. We are very grateful to S. Dulcelene Ceccato SDS for her expert facilitation of the “Called to Mission” Process. We are also grateful for the hard work of our translators and recording secretary as well as the Motherhouse personnel.

May the Divine Savior continue to bless us as we move toward the XIX General Chapter in Munich! 


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Grandi Salvatoriani


La Casa Madre


Curia Generalizia

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I - 00193 ROMA, ITALIA
+39 06 686 291

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